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Accesul Mass-Media in Spitalul Euromaterna. Adrese CMI and medici colaboratori. Nursing-ul nou-nascutului prematur cu suport respirator. Rolul asistentei in efectuarea exsanguinotransfuziei.
Pacienții noștri au încredere în noi, pentru că. Noi ne identificăm cu dorințele și grijile lor. Este important ca pacienţii noştri să aibă parte. În vederea obţinerii unor rezultate remarcabile.
Deschis in 1994, si aflat in permanenta evolutie, departamentul de Obstetrica si Ginecologie KORONA ofera servicii medicale de calitate, vine in intampinarea problemelor Dvs, si asigura rezolvarea cu .
Peste 1000 de nasteri fericite pe an. Ginecologice pe cale minim invaziva. Cu pasiune, daruire si profesionalism. Dupa standardele Fetal Medicine Foundation.
Pachete de monitorizare a sarcinii. Pregatirea pentru a deveni parinti. Alege un medic de încredere. Asistenţă medicală NON STOP, cu linie de gardă in spital pentru urgenţe obstetricale şi ginecologice, A. Informatii, intre orele 21. La Maternitatea Pelican te asteaptă cu drag o echipă de prieteni. Doreşti să devii mamă? .
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Stem cells are the foundation of a new multi-billion dollar industry that will transform medicine, cosmetics and new anti-aging technologies in the 21st century. In the near future, tens then hundreds of millions of people across the globe will be treated with stem cells. Your company will be provid.
Sunday, May 24, 2009. According to Chief Scientific Officer Ruth McKernan, they are attempting to take the wh.
Our group is internationally known by the work done in. What became a kind of. Therefore, we kept that name in spite of working in other countries. From 2010 we work in our associated centers we share our protocols with. All interested in asking questions about this subject matter are kindly invited to do it either by email, phone or at their most convenience.
Welcome to our blog page, We hope and intent to talk about the most exiting discovery in science today Stem Cells and what can they do for you! July 25, 2009. Steenblock Research Umbilical Cord Stem Cell Newsletter. From the Desk of Dr. Umbilical Cord Derived Stem Cells. As of 2007 over 8000 cord blood stem cell transplants have been performed worldwide. there are about 10,000 children born with a brain inj.